-Wedding Ceremony Procession in Minangkabau "BARALEK GADANG"-
Minangkabau memiliki prosesi pernikahan yang sangat beragam, begitu juga atribut pakaian dan perhiasan yang dikenakan pengantinnya dikala melangsungkan pernikahan. Masing-masing nagari memiliki karakteristik busana pengantin dan hiasan kepala yang dikenakan pengantin juga berbeda. Berikut ini tata cara perkawinan adat Minang, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia. Selain bercirikan megah, mewah dan meriah, pelaminan bernuansa emas dan perak. Gaun pengantin umumnya berbentuk tiga dimensi. Pada dasarnya prosesi pernikahan terdiri dari beberapa tahapan. Secara garis besar dapat dilihat berikut:
Minangkabau has a very diverse in wedding procession, as well as attributes of clothing and jewelry worn in wedding celebrate. Each village has a different characteristic fashion and bridal headdress worn by brides. Following customary marriage procedures in Minangkabau, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Besides characterized by stately, luxurious and festive, wedding gold and silver shades, generally wedding dress has a three-dimensional shape. Basically the wedding procession consists of several stages. In broad outline can be seen below:
1. Maresek
Maresek is the first assessment as the beginning of a series of procedures for the implementation of marriage. In accordance with the system of kinship in Minangkabau, the woman's family came to the family of the man. Traditionally the family who arrived with a hand fruit cake or fruit according to the manners eastern culture. At first some women who experienced was sent to find out whether the targeted youth interested in getting married and match with the girl. The procession may take place several times the negotiations until an agreement is reached on both sides of the family.
2. Meminang dan Bertukar Tanda
Family prospective bride's family came to be groom's hand in marriage. If engagement is received, be continue with the exchange of signs as a symbol of the binding agreement and can not be decided unilaterally. Events involving parents or “ninik mamak” and the elders from both sides. The delegation prospective bride's family came in with a complete set of sirih nut in the kampla or carano or bags made from pandanus leaves. Serving sirih early meeting with the expectation if there were deficiencies or irregularities will not be a gossip. On the contrary, things will be sweet in the meeting is attached and remembered forever. It also included a souvenir cakes and fruits. Objects that are exchanged are usually sacred objects such as kris, traditional fabric or other items of value to the family history. These objects will be returned in an official event after the ceremony took place. Procedures that begins with the woman's family spokesperson who presents the complete sirih to taste by the family of groom as a sign of sacrifice. A spokesman told the official application. If the received signal continues to switch their bonds. Next discussion about pick-up procedures would be groom.
3. Mahanta / Minta Izin
Prospective groom and please spread the blessings of marriage plans to the mamak, his father's brothers, the brothers who had married and respected elders. The same is done by the prospective bride, represented by female relatives who have a family led by sirih. For the prospective groom took selapah containing palm leaf and tobacco (but currently sedah replaced with a cigarette). As for prospective bride's family includes sirih ritual complete. This ritual is intended to inform and ask prayer wedding plans. Usually visited the family will provide assistance to participate bear the burden and cost of marriage according to ability.
The family of the prospective bride's father (called bako) wanted to show his affection by contributing bear the costs according to ability. The event took place several days before the ceremony. Equipment is usually supplied in the form of sirih complete (as a customary chief), singgang yellow rice chicken (traditional food), conduction of goods required prospective bride as a set of clothes, gold jewelry, side dishes well cooked or raw, cakes and so on. According to tradition, the bride picked candidate to take his father's family home. Then the elders to give advice. The next day, prospective brides carried back to his house accompanied by a paternal family with a variety of relief goods had been.
Bainai means attaching soft collision "pacar" leaves red or henna leaves the nails bride. This collision will leave a bright red marks on your nails. Traditionally held the night before the ceremony. This tradition as an expression of love and blessing from the elders of the bride's family. His philosophy: final guidance from a father and mother who has raised his daughter with great honor, because after getting married so that would lead him back is her husband. Special clothing for ceremonial dress bainai is baju tokoh and low sunting. Other equipment used include water containing seven fragrant flowers, leaves, crushed iani, yellow umbrellas, yellow cloth, fabric hoops and chairs for prospective brides. Along with henna installed, Minang tradition of poetry resounded in the night with a shriek bainai colored flutes. Prospective bride with character dress and low sunting taken out of the room flanked by peers. Events bathe symbolically with scented water sprinkled seven flowers by the elders and parents. Furthermore, the nails prospective bride was given henna.
This is the most important custom in the whole series of marriages according to Adat Minangkabau. Grooms are picked up and taken to the bride's house to carry out the ceremony. The procession is also accompanied heritage award to the prospective groom as a sign of an adult. Traditionally the bride's family must take full sirih cerana, indicating the arrival of the habitual, complete the groom dress, singgang yellow rice chicken, side dishes, pastries and fruit. To the west coast of Sumatra are usually also include a yellow umbrellas, spears, swords and pick up money or lost money.
Rombongan utusan dari keluarga calon mempelai wanita menjemput calon mempelai pria sambil membawa perlengkapan. Setelah prosesi sambah mayambah dan mengutarakan maksud kedatangan, barang-barang diserahkan. Calon pengantin pria beserta rombongan diarak menuju kediaman calon mempelai wanita.
The delegation delegates from prospective families to meet prospective bride groom carrying equipment. After the procession sambah mayambah and express purpose of arrival, the goods were delivered. Prospective groom and his entourage paraded to the prospective bride's residence.
7. Penyambutan di Rumah Anak Daro
Tradition of welcoming the prospective groom prospective bride's house is usually festive and great moments. With the sound of traditional music Minang like Gandang Talempong and Tabuk, and ranks Traditional reciprocal wave of young men dressed in martial arts, and welcomed the virgin clad sirih presenting custom.
Sirih dalam carano adat lengkap, payung kuning keemasan, beras kuning, kain jajakan putih merupakan perlengkapan yang biasanya digunakan.
Keluarga mempelai wanita memayungi calon mempelai pria disambut dengan tari Gelombang Adat timbal balik. Berikutnya, barisan dara menyambut rombongan dengan persembahan sirih lengkap. Para sesepuh wanita menaburi calon pengantin pria dengan beras kuning. Sebelum memasuki pintu rumah, kaki calon mempelai pria diperciki air sebagai lambang mensucikan, lalu berjalan menapaki kain putih menuju ke tempat berlangsungnya akad.
Sirih in complete custom Carano, golden yellow umbrella, yellow rice, jajakan white cloth is a equipment normally used.
Umbrella bride's family would be groom was greeted with traditional dances reciprocal wave. Next, the group welcomed the virgin line with a complete offering of sirih leaves. The elder woman grooms sprinkled with yellow rice. Before entering the door of the house, legs sprinkled prospective groom as a symbol of purifying water, then walked up the white cloth to the site of the covenant.
8. Akad Nikah
Begins reading the holy verses, granted consent, marriage advice and prayer. Aqad marriage procession was held as usual, according to Islamic law. This is the manifestation of the ABS-SBK (Adat Basandi Syara’, Syara’ Basandi Kitabullah) and SMAM (Syara’ Mangato, Adat Mam). Ijab Kabul consent generally done on Friday afternoon.
Marapulai dijapuik anak daro. After doing the ceremony at home anak daro. Anak daro and awaits guests Alek marapulai natural colored salingka music in the courtyard. There are five traditional Minang event held after the usual ceremony Is back sign, announcing the title of the groom, complaining forehead, yellow rice and dredge play throckmorton.
(Terima kasih kepada Idola Prima Gita ST&Bobby, putri pertama Gubernur Sumbar: Bpk. Gamawan Fauzi)
(Terima kasih kepada Rika & Tam, putri Wakil Gubernur Sumbar: Bpk.Marlis Rahman)
* Memulangkan tanda
Setelah resmi sebagai suami istri maka tanda yang diberikan sebagai ikatan janji sewaktu lamaran dikembalikan oleh kedua belah pihak, sebab barang memiliki nilai historis dan simbol pengikat mempelai.
After officially as husband and wife is given as a sign of promise when the bond proposal is returned by both parties, because the items have historical value and the symbol of the bride-binding.
Gelar sebagai tanda kehormatan dan kedewasaan yang disandang mempelai pria lazimnya diumumkan langsung oleh ninik mamak kaumnya. Sesuatu yang sangat khas Minangkabau ialah bahwa setiap laki-laki yang telah dianggap dewasa harus mempunyai gelar. Ukuran dewasa seorang laki-laki ditentukan apabila ia telah berumah tangga. Oleh karena itulah untuk setiap pemuda Minang, pada hari perkawinannya ia harus diberi gelar pusaka kaumnya. Gelar suku tertentu berbeda dengan suku lain. Jadi suku Chaniago, Koto, Piliang memiliki gelar masing-masing.
Kalau untuk menantu yang berasal dari Minang, gelar adat yang yang diberikan oleh kaumnya disampaikan secara resmi dalam kesempatan ini langsung oleh ninik mamak atau yang mewakili keluarga pengantin pria. Untuk menantu yang bukan berasal dari Minang. Gelar ini disebutkan secara resmi oleh wakil keluarga Ayah pengantin Pria.
Filosofinya : Seorang semenda harus lah dihormati oleh keluarga pengantin wanita dan tidaklah layak untuk memanggilnya hanya dengan menyebut namanya saja. Itu dapat dilakukan terhadap anak-anak kecil, sedangkan pemuda yang sudah kawin menurut tata tertib adat disebut sudah “gadang” sudah bisa dibawa berunding. “Ketek banamo-Gadang bagala”. Dan gelar ini juga harus disebutkan secara resmi ditengah-tengah orang ramai. Inilah yang disebut acara “Malewakan gala Marapulai”.
Degree as a sign of honor and maturity that typically carries the groom announced ninik mamak directly by his people. Something very typical Minangkabau is that every man who has been considered an adult must have a degree. Adult size of a man if he had determined to settle down. Hence, for every youth Minang, on his wedding day he should be given the title of his folk heritage. A certain degree different ethnic tribes. So the tribe Chaniago, Koto, Piliang title respectively.
His philosophy: a marriage should be is respected by the bride's family and it is not feasible to call him only by name only. It can be done to small children, while the young man who had married according to customary order is already "large sieve" can be taken to negotiate. "Ketek banamo-Gadang bagala". And this title should also be mentioned officially in the midst of the crowd. This is called the event "Malewakan gala Marapulai".
*Mengadu Kening
Pasangan mempelai dipimpin oleh para sesepuh wanita menyentuhkan kening mereka satu sama lain. Kedua mempelai didudukkan saling berhadapan dan diantara wajah keduanya dipisahkan dengan sebuah kipas, lalu kipas diturunkan secara perlahan. Setelah itu kening pengantin akan saling bersentuhan. Filosofinya : Mereka sudah syah menjadi Muhrim. Dan persentuhan kulit tidak lagi membatalkan uduk mereka.
Couple bride led by the elder women to touch their foreheads to each other. Both the bride is seated facing each other and between the two faces separated by a fan, then the fan gradually lowered. After the bride's forehead would touch each other. His philosophy: They had become muhrim and contiguity skin “uduk” not cancel them.
*Mangaruak Nasi Kuning
Prosesi ini mengisyaratkan hubungan kerjasama antara suami istri harus selalu saling menahan diri dan melengkapi. Ritual diawali dengan kedua pengantin berebut mengambil daging ayam yang tersembunyi di dalam nasi kuning. Bagian tubuh ayam yang terambil menandakan peranan masing-masing dalam rumah tangga. Kepala ayam artinya dominan dalam perkawinan. Dada ayam artinya berlapang dada dan penyabar. Paha dan sayap berarti menjadi pelindung keluarga dan anak-anaknya.
This procession suggests cooperative relations between husband and wife should always be mutual restraint and complete. The ritual begins with the couple scrambled to take the hidden chicken in yellow rice. Chicken body parts drawn indicating their role in the household. Chicken head that is dominant in the marriage. Chicken breast that is charitable and patient. Thigh and wing means to protect families and children.
*Bermain Coki
Coki adalah permaian tradisional Ranah Minang. Yakni semacam permainan catur yang dilakukan oleh dua orang, papan permainan menyerupai halma. Permainan ini bermakna agar kedua mempelai bisa saling meluluhkan kekakuan dan egonya masing-masing agar tercipta kemesraan.
Throckmorton is a traditional game in Ranah Minang. That kind of chess game made by two men, board games like checkers. This game means so that both families could melt the ice and each individual ego to create intimacy.
* Tari Payung
Dipercayai sebagai tarian pengantin baru. Syair `Berbendi-bendi ke sungai tanang`, berarti pasangan yang baru menikah pergi mandi ke kolam yang dinamai sungai Tanang yang mencerminkan berbulan madu. Penari memakai payung melambangkan peranan suami sebagai pelindung istri.
Believed to be newlyweds dance. Poem ` Berbendi-bendi ke sungai tanang`, meaning the newly married couple went to the swimming baths are named the river that reflects Tanang honeymoon. Dancers use umbrellas symbolize the husband's role as protector of the wife.
10. Manikam Jajak
One week after the ceremony, usually on Friday afternoon, the newlyweds went to the house parents and the groom ninik mamak with food. The purpose of the ceremonies manikam jajak in Minang is to respect or honor your parents and the groom ninik mamak like parents and ninik mamak own.
This large sieve series “baralek gadang” is really tiring. Therefore, recent events in the city of Padang marriage are more likely to refer to the modern wedding is not too make too much busy.
Wen'S Photography
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